Posts Tagged ‘bob harper


Gym Buddy

So I lost my gym buddy and this has seriously derailed my exercise routine.
My friend Mandy joined the gym with me a year and a half ago, at that time I was the #1 cheerleader. I got us motivated and kept us that way for the entire workout.  But the days that I was low energy or wanted to bail Mandy kept me on track.  I can honestly say that without her I would have never completed the IronGirl last summer.  We trained together we supported each other and we completed the race together.
Recently Mandy switched gyms.  She wanted a place that had a pool and was closer to her house. While I totally get that, I am using her defection as a major excuse for my poor attendance at my kick butt classes.
I have little spurts of energy like last week where I somehow made it to the gym 3 times. Unfortunately, it is now Thursday and I have not made it at all this week.  I am signed up for the IronGirl in August so I actually HAVE to get my butt to the gym or I will never beat my time from last year. I am not sure what is wrong with me but I have this terrible habit of getting totally obsessed with something and donating 150% of my energy to it and then completely losing interest.  A perfect example of that is the Game of Thrones books. I read the first 3 books back to back completely devoted.  I made my husband read them so that I could talk to him about them, I made us watch the entire first season. Then I got 100 pages into book 4 and turned off. My husband has bow completed the book and is dying to talk to me about it and I have no interest in finishing the book. I am not sure what happened but I just got tired of reading about missing limbs and treachery.  Crazy, cause after months of calling my BFF and rehashing the previous nights pages I don’t even care what happened to the Starks of Winterfell.
So here I sit blogging instead of wrapping my kids in their coats and boots and shoving them in the car and going to the gym.  I have every excuse in the book: it’s too cold, my kids don’t cooperate, I don’t have a workout buddy,  I have too much to do, it’s too cold.  Oh did I mention it’s too cold??
It’s still January and my goal was to get to the gym 3 days a week and I am totally not achieving that goal. I really need Bob Harper to come over and whip my ass into shape.  Honestly I am totally feeling like the Biggest Loser and not the good kind! So today I might not make it to the gym but I am going to try really hard to get rid of the excuses and find some love for myself. I need to find my inner energy to carry me through this dry spell and stop blaming everyone and everything else for my lack of motivation. Maybe I should just curl up on the couch and finish that book!

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